How to enter:

Select the first category you wish to enter from the list below, and click ENTER NOW. You will be able to choose further categories after you have started your first entry. You will need to register on the platform before you can complete your entry.

Please complete all questions when registering. Note: you will receive an email with a validation code which must be added to complete the registration process. Please check your junk folder.

If you do not want to complete your entry in one sitting, you can part complete your entry and come back to it later. Your information is automatically saved. Simply login again to complete your entry.

To submit your entry, agree to the terms and conditions then click the CONTINUE button at the bottom of the page. If you forget your password please use the reset password link on the login page.

Submitters awaiting an education/ not-profit code can still complete their application and submit when code received.

If you have any questions or experience any issues, please do not hesitate to contact the team at

Each submission will be considered on individual merit.

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The Best Practitioner of the Individual Award acknowledges the individual who, in the opinion of the independent panel of judges selected by the e-Assessment Association, deserve to be recognised for outstanding use of e-assessment.

Institutions, teams and individuals are encouraged to submit their nominations for consideration. Nominations can also be made by a third-party, or even by a student who wants to thank an individual for making a difference to their education.

We want to hear about the individuals using technology to make a difference to their students - at any stage of learning - through the innovative use of technology for assessment for learning. We welcome applications from schools, teachers, universities, workplace training centres and more.

The e-Assessment Association is seeking to reward excellence across all sectors and all geographies.

You can nominate an individual, a team or both for the Best Practitioner of the Year Award. Should you wish to nominate an individual and a team please complete the two separate nomination forms.

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The Best Practitioner of the Year Team Award acknowledges the team who, in the opinion of the independent panel of judges selected by the e-Assessment Association, deserve to be recognised for outstanding use of e-assessment.

Institutions, teams and individuals are encouraged to submit their nominations for consideration. Nominations can also be made by a third-party, or even by a student who wants to thank a team for making a difference to their education.

We want to hear about the teams using technology to make a difference to their students - at any stage of learning - through the innovative use of technology for assessment for learning. We welcome applications from schools, teachers, universities, workplace training centres and more.

The e-Assessment Association is seeking to reward excellence across all sectors and all geographies.

You can nominate an individual, a team or both for the Best Practitioner of the Year Award. Should you wish to nominate an individual and a team please complete the two separate nomination forms.

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